معمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitterمعمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitter

4.Mixing gas with rain water may end up in aquifers, which will lead to slow poisoning &health problems for 6 mill. ppl &4% of agricultural land in Yemen will be covered with black clouds, which will lead to elimination of grains, fruits &vegetables, valued at 70 million dollarspic.twitter.com/ubbxPcVRCo

4.Mixing gas with rain water may end up in aquifers, which will lead to slow poisoning &health problems for 6 mill. ppl &4% of agricultural land in Yemen will be covered with black clouds, which will lead to elimination of grains, fruits &vegetables, valued at 70 million dollars

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438 مشاهدة

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