معمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitterمعمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitter

1.Taha Al-Mutawakel’s claim that Houthis discovered Coronavirus treatment while world's labs couldn’t failed so far, is senseless &hiding No’s. of infections due 2inefficiency of tests provided by WHO as he claim.Who failed 2diagnose the disease, how could he develop the vaccine?pic.twitter.com/EJmi5tYRK2

1.Taha Al-Mutawakel’s claim that Houthis discovered Coronavirus treatment while world's labs couldn’t failed so far, is senseless &hiding No’s. of infections due 2inefficiency of tests provided by WHO as he claim.Who failed 2diagnose the disease, how could he develop the vaccine?

منذ 3 سنوات


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