معمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitterمعمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitter

@ERYANIM: 1-The terrorist Houthi militia of Iran continues its organized looting of lands and farms owned by citizens in Sana’a, &outskirt areas, using hijacked state institutions “State Real Estate &Property, &Endowments” and the illegal and invalid rulings issued by their judges.

1-The terrorist Houthi militia of Iran continues its organized looting of lands and farms owned by citizens in Sana’a, &outskirt areas, using hijacked state institutions “State Real Estate &Property, &Endowments” and the illegal and invalid rulings issued by their judges.

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204 مشاهدة

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أهم التصريحات المزيد