رئاسة مجلس الوزراء اليمنيرئاسة مجلس الوزراء اليمني

PM Maeen Abdulmalik discussed with the director of MENA Dept at the UK FCO, Stephanie Alqaq, bilateral relations & peace efforts in light of continued escalation by Houthi militas.The Houthis have undermined previous agreements, looted aid & deepened humanitarian crisis in Yemen.pic.twitter.com/YBkZdxGlqc

PM Maeen Abdulmalik discussed with the director of MENA Dept at the UK FCO, Stephanie Alqaq, bilateral relations & peace efforts in light of continued escalation by Houthi militas.The Houthis have undermined previous agreements, looted aid & deepened humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

منذ 4 سنوات


589 مشاهدة

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