معمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitterمعمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitter

1.We strongly condemn the illegal death sentences by the so-called Specialized Criminal Court of Houthis Militia against 4 journalists (Abdelkhaleq Omran, Akram Al Walidi, Harith Hamid, &Tawfiq Al Mansouri) in a formal trial lacks min. standard of justice &integritypic.twitter.com/9ecxapZMKU

1.We strongly condemn the illegal death sentences by the so-called Specialized Criminal Court of Houthis Militia against 4 journalists (Abdelkhaleq Omran, Akram Al Walidi, Harith Hamid, &Tawfiq Al Mansouri) in a formal trial lacks min. standard of justice &integrity

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