معمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitterمعمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitter

2.the report documented testimonies of survivors managed to escape from Houthis-controlled areas &how they were assaulted, physically &psychological tortured, sexually harassed &raped. How deadlines set for execution &abolished in unprecedented crackdown on woment Yemen history

2.the report documented testimonies of survivors managed to escape from Houthis-controlled areas &how they were assaulted, physically &psychological tortured, sexually harassed &raped. How deadlines set for execution &abolished in unprecedented crackdown on woment Yemen history

منذ 4 سنوات


564 مشاهدة

تغريدات ذات صلة

أهم التصريحات المزيد