معمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitterمعمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitter

2.Houthis plundered medical supplies sent by WHO &was on way to health offices in the governorates under their control, &distribute to their leaders &elements &in favor of their activities &sale in market, to confirm their barbarity, crime &indifference to civilians fate at risk

2.Houthis plundered medical supplies sent by WHO &was on way to health offices in the governorates under their control, &distribute to their leaders &elements &in favor of their activities &sale in market, to confirm their barbarity, crime &indifference to civilians fate at risk

منذ 4 سنوات


482 مشاهدة

تغريدات ذات صلة

أهم التصريحات المزيد